Join the McKinley Square Park Foundation [MSPF] in celebrating alongside Starbucks Coffee for their 20th Anniversary at this weekend’s 4th annual McKinley Square Clean Team Day of Service!
This 4th annual McKinley Square event will start at 11am at San Francisco City Hall for opening ceremonies in recognition of Starbucks 20th Anniversary of the 1st Starbucks store in San Francisco before arriving at McKinley Square around 12pm on Saturday.
To celebrate volunteers will divide into 11 teams and conquer 11 different community service projects including Vermont Street in McKinley Square. The volunteer work will include painting, cleaning, weeding, pruning and planting.
Each year since 2009, the McKinley Square Park Foundation [MSPF] has been partnering with SF DPW Community Clean Team to raise awareness on open space preservation and park improvements. In 2011, we organized 300+ volunteers and received a 10K donation thanks to our partnership with SuccessFactors.
We do this together with our park partners at DPW, SF Recreation and Parks, San Francisco Parks Alliance,
Caltrans and SFMTA.
We're so grateful to have Starbucks support McKinley Square and the ongoing Clean Team efforts this year! Special thank you to Peachy and the entire DPW team, our parks partners and the Honorable Mayor Ed Lee for supporting our volunteer efforts.
Are you interested in volunteering on April 28th? Please join us and Sign-Up by Clicking Here!
More Than 300 Volunteers To Clean Up One of Oldest Parks in San Francisco
Friday, May 6, 2011
Click here for Slide Show of the Event!
San Francisco, CA—The Department of Public Works (DPW), California Department of Transportation (Caltrans),the Recreation and Park Department (RPD), and the McKinley Square Park Foundation (MSPF) are partnering to support a Community Clean Team volunteer day of service to benefit McKinley Square and the surrounding open space on Monday, May 9th starting at 8:00-12:30pm.
Volunteers will beautify open areas, gardens, and the park by removing litter and debris from the sidewalk and streets as well as much needed weeding. The work will also include a sand replenishment project at the children’s play areas located at McKinley Square—one of the oldest parks in San Francisco. More than 300 volunteers from SuccessFactors, a software firm, will be supporting this effort as a part of their Day of Service.
DPW is responsible for the care and maintenance of San Francisco’s streets and much of its infrastructure. The department cleans and resurfaces streets; plants and maintains City street trees; designs, constructs and maintains city-owned facilities; inspects streets and sidewalks; constructs curb ramps; removes graffiti from public property; and partners with the diverse neighborhoods in San Francisco to provide stellar cleaning and greening services.
For more information about getting involved in McKinley Square Clean Team Events contact: