Check out our "News and Press" section for upcoming volunteer opportunities and past events!

2017 Volunteer Events at McKinley Square

We've hosted many volunteer events again this year thanks to amazing park friends and corporations around the bay area.  Below highlights June's "Day of Mercy" event with a fun slideshow.

This volunteer effort showcases 45 volunteers working diligently for 3 hours cleaning, weeding, mulching and planting native species along the staircase leading to the lower south end areas of McKinley Square.  This effort represents an equivalent "in-kind" donation of $3,724.65 in labor cost.

This year, we're grateful to the many volunteers who continue to support our neighborhood park bringing us closer to achieving our annual goal of $10,000 of in-kind donations! Enjoy the Slideshow:-)

Love Your Parks Day 
Children's Playground Beautification Project

We've got great news for all of our McKinley's friends and many families.  This year we spent a few months asking around to our various corporate donors interested in partnering with us on installing some fresh, new playground sand--for the benefit of the children's play areas.  And guess what, someone said  "yes, we'd love to support this effort"...

In order for us to make this project successful, we are asking for your help.  Our park partners at San Francisco Recreation and Parks (SF RPD) have asked us to rally the neighbors, secure a commitment from 45 volunteers to donate 3.0 (hrs) each on the day of the event--so let's make it happen neighbors.

Learn more about this year's Love Your Parks Day and sign-up to volunteer by clicking here!  We hope to see you are this year's event!  It's going to fun!

We're Celebrating 125 +
Corporate Volunteers as of May 2013!

That's right!  It's barely Summer and yet again this year McKinley Square has been blessed with over 125+ corporate employees volunteering a Day of Service thanks to a great bunch of new McKinley Friends arriving from PG&E, LinkedIn and Old Navy.

Check out the details here!

Congratulations to all our Summer 2012 Volunteers!

We actively recruited 250+ volunteers to work this world class sporting event with all donations benefiting McKinley Square Park.  Special thank you to all of McKinley's many friends, family, and coworkers for coming out for a great day together...for a great cause!  

All volunteers received FREE admission to the tournament. Watched golf before or after shift!  FREE parking. FREE lunch A GREAT experience.

Learn Hard! Live Well! Play Fair!  

Enjoy Our Parks!      

-Recreation & Parks Department

We are just one of over 80 organizations in San Francisco actively reaching out, volunteering and getting involved.   Below is a list of ongoing events and seasonal volunteer opportunities.

McKinley Square Clean Team Day of Service. 

Each year thousands of volunteers come together in partnership with city agencies like Department of Public Works, Recreation and Parks and Caltrans to participate in the Clean Team events.

We started organizing our events back in 2009 with the support of neighbors and area groups.

McKinley's next Clean Team Day of Service is scheduled to begin in May 2011.  These annual citywide events provide hundreds of volunteers with opportunities to participate in beautification projects across San Francisco promoting community stewardship while reducing maintenance. 

This year, we're continuing our efforts to support these beautification efforts by participating again with the Vermont Street Neighborhood Association (VSNA), Sculpt Gardens and SF Beautiful. 

More details located here: McKinley Clean Team

The Arc of San Francisco and McKinley Square.

Starting back in 2010, the Arc of San Francisco partnered with MSPF and Recreation and Parks at McKinley Square park.    It takes 3 bus rides, walking up many hills and a lot of energy to come out every week to make this successful event happen.

On a weekly basis, you can see the 20+ clients, instructors and recreation and park gardeners working together on the western hillside paths and landscape making a dramatic difference in just a few months.

Seasonal Beautification Projects:

Cal Grad Students and MSPF Volunteer Days!

Each year we are contacted by various service organizations and volunteers alike looking to make a difference in the community since 2009.

In October of 2010, we partnered again with the Vermont Street Neighborhood Association (VSNA), Department of Public Works (DPW) and the neighbors to organize the first annual "Crookedest Street" beautification project since 1964.  

The kick-off event was designed to raise awareness to the needs of the sprawling landscape that exists all along both sides of  "twisty hill" which beats Lombard St. by one additional turn.   

In mid- December volunteers gathered early Sunday morning and started cleaning, weeding and removing trash and debris from the top of "twisty hill".  During the clean-up effort volunteers unearthed 2 separate cobble stone paths that had been covered with overgrowth and weeds.  Afterwards, fresh mulch was applied and the area was bagged up and swept clean.

These 1927 stone pathways were created along the 5 curves of the "Crookedest"  street that extend down Vermont for the enjoyment of passerby's.  

They were built and designed back in the 20's by DPW using a voter approved bond for street and wall constructions.  The stone paths were designed as resting stops and view points for visitors and neighbors to enjoy the vast western views and open spaces facing the Mission and Twin Peaks.  

After decades of overgrowth, weeds and dirt most did not realize these paths existed --let alone have access for safe use according to one long-time neighbor who walks the hill regularly for her morning walks.

Volunteers in Action!

In September of 2010 the Vermont Street Neighborhood Association (VSNA), MSPF partnered with DPW and surrounding neighbors to restore the Kansas Street "hidden" staircase.  

The staircase and hillside are located atop the 900 block of Kansas with cobble stones, bricks and stairs leading down to 22nd and 900 blocks of Vermont.

The Kansas St. "hidden' staircase and beautification is the first of many to come.

Historically, these southern areas of McKinley Square and Vermont St. had been known as "Twisty Hill" dating back to 1856.  More recently they are referred to as the "enclave" or "hidden staircase".

Special thanks to our community partners at VSNA and Dave, Sandra Zuniga and Mohammed Nuru at the Department of Public Works. 

Volunteers and support from DPW makes it possible for us to partner and supporting these ongoing beautification projects with donations, staff, equipment and supplies.

 Please send us an email with your comments and request for more information.  

McKinley Square Park Foundation
San Francisco, CA 94107