Neighborhood Associations and SF SAFE Groups  

The McKinley Square Park Foundation supports the individual efforts championed by local neighborhood associations and SF SAFE Neighborhood Crime Watch Groups.  

For more information about these groups and getting involved, please refer the below list of contacts.

Vermont Street Neighborhood Association [VSNA]


[400-900] Vermont St.

Email: Joyce Book, President, VSNA

Vermont Street SF SAFE Group[s]:

[400] Block Vermont St.
Email: Mike Stanton, SF SAFE Co-Captain

[500] Block Vermont St.
Email: Angela Neff, SF SAFE C0-Captain

[600] Block Vermont St.
Email Tore Langmo, SF SAFE Co-Captain

[700] Block Vermont St. 
Email: Anne Collins, SF SAFE Co-Captain

[800] Block Vermont St.
Email: Karl Huntzinger, SF SAFE C0-Captain

[900] Block Vermont St.


Henry Wimmer, Block Co-Captain

Kansas Street SF SAFE Group:

Kansas Street Neighborhood Association


Group Boundaries:  [1100-1400] Kansas Street Blocks

San Bruno Ave SF SAFE Group:

NW San Bruno Ave. Neighborhood Group


Group Boundaries:  [500-700] San Bruno Ave. Blocks

Mariposa and Utah St. SF SAFE Group:

MUNA Neighborhood Association

[400-600] Blocks


Don't see what you are looking for?  Go to the Contact Us page and send us an email.